Fake cosmetics are not only hazardous to the consumer but also to brands. The difference between counterfeit and authentic products is becoming harder to distinguish, with packaging replicating the authentic product almost identically. Counterfeit protection systems such as labels, QR codes and holographic tags can all be copied, cloned or faked. This opens the way for consumers to buy counterfeit makeup, perfumes or skincare, believing they are the purchasing from a reputable seller, leading to dissatisfaction with the overall brand due to the poor product quality.
With cosmetic manufacturers feeling the frustrations of counterfeit products, the industry is looking to new, innovative counterfeit solutions to provide brands, manufacturers, and customers with the protection they deserve. That’s where our Q-ID® Optical tags come in.
Unlike other anti-counterfeiting solutions, our Q-ID® Optical solution utilises the inherent strength of quantum material. Quantum material is uniquely random in nature at an atomic level, making it scientifically impossible to clone or copy (we call it a quantum fingerprint). By imprinting cosmetics with our tags, we provide an invisible, unbreakable method of cosmetic product protection and verification.
Once seamlessly integrated into the packaging, components or the product itself, our quantum solution can be authenticated in a matter of seconds using a standard smartphone camera. This not only allows for authentication internally, for example throughout the supply chain, but also empowers consumer-led authentication, as customers can verify the identity of their purchase almost instantly.