The rise in counterfeit handbags has led to increased security measures for luxury items. However, many counterfeit producers are able to circumvent QR-Codes, holograms, stamps and labels, whilst key features such as fonts, packaging, and stitching quality are often overlooked, meaning customers are still at risk of buying poor-quality products.
For this reason, Quantum Base has developed the world’s first 100% unbreakable anti-counterfeit solution, utilising the inherent randomness of quantum particles to create a truly revolutionary means of protecting products, packaging and individual components. Our Q-ID® Optical tags contain an invisible Quantum Signature on the surface of any authentic product. The technology can be rapidly integrated into current manufacturing techniques, providing every new handbag with an extra layer of protection. Existing luxury items can also be protected using the same system.
The authentication of our Q-ID® Optical tags is instant and can be done at any point during the distribution process from anywhere in the world. We use real-time global track and trace systems to monitor product history, giving our customers assurance that their purchase is 100% authentic. Verification only requires a standard smartphone camera – we’re putting the power of authentication back into customers’ hands.