While anti-counterfeiting technologies within tax stamps have advanced, vulnerabilities still exist; it is these vulnerabilities which have resulted in a significant rise in the counterfeiting of tax stamps and fake excise goods entering the market.
Q-IDs®, due to their flexibility of design and sizing, are helping to redefine security and product identity on a global scale. Our solution is paramount to directly combat the rise of counterfeit stamps.
Using the inherent randomness of quantum materials, we are able to imprint invisible tag markers on an atomic scale – we called this a ‘quantum signature’. Our quantum signatures are unique amongst counterfeit protection solutions, as they cannot be copied, cloned or faked. These tags can be applied to products, packaging, or individual components, allowing for a wide variety of applications, including tax stamps.
These tags can be integrated into the existing tax stamp manufacturing process, and can be scanned using a standard smartphone camera, meaning that producers, suppliers, and customers can verify their purchases instantly with readily-available technology. With this real-time authentication, we are redefining product security and revenue protection on a global scale, as well as streamlining supply chains.