Although anti-counterfeiting technologies have advanced, vulnerabilities still exist, which are allowing the identities of goods to be faked on such a large, costly scale.
Research from PwC suggests the problem lies in the macroscopic nature of these identities; RFIDs, holograms, fingerprints and irises can all be copied or cloned. This poses problems across industries such as pharmaceuticals, apparel, alcohol, aerospace and automotive, as counterfeit products seep into the market damaging brand and product reputations as well as costing companies billions of lost revenue.
However, at Quantum Base we have created the world’s first unbreakable anti-counterfeit tag. Our Q-ID® solution cannot be copied, cloned or faked. We have embraced the digitisation of counterfeiting, using a standard smartphone camera for product authentication in real-time, allowing billions of global end consumers to be the custodian of product authenticity.
We can provide an immediate Q-ID® solution at packaging and product level, allowing for unmatched protection.