When purchasing a toy, buyers should always check for logos and labels indicating authenticity. However, staying vigilant can only provide limited protection, as often these stamps and markings can be faked and copied onto counterfeit items to hide their true origin and quality.
For this reason, Quantum Base has developed our Q-ID® solution to combat counterfeit products. We use a revolutionary technology to create an invisible marker at the atomic scale on the surface of a product, exploiting the inherent randomness of quantum materials to generate a solution which cannot be copied, cloned, replicated, or faked. These Quantum Signatures can then be efficiently implemented into the manufacturing process of children’s toys and accessories, printed onto products, components, and packaging.
The authenticity of these items can then be verified in seconds using a standard smartphone camera. By simply downloading the Quantum Base app and scanning the Q-ID® Tag, manufacturers, retailers, and customers can gain access to all relevant product information and history. Quantum Base also integrates global track-and-trace data, so buyers have peace of mind seeing exactly where their toys have come from.