In order to protect supply chains and prevent counterfeit items from entering the market undetected, Quantum Base has developed the world’s first 100% unbreakable anti-counterfeit solution. Harnessing the inherent randomness of quantum matter, our Q-ID® Optical tags are imprinted on an atomic level to facilitate a secure supply chain through an unclonable, invisible ‘Quantum Signature’. With a flexible design, our Q-ID® tags can be applied to a wide range of packaging, components and even directly onto the products themselves.
Our Q-ID® Optical solution can be seamlessly integrated into your existing manufacturing process, allowing businesses to begin reinforcing a secure supply chain almost immediately. Once our Q-ID® Optical tags have been implemented, manufacturers, distributors and customers can authenticate each product in a matter of seconds using just a standard smartphone camera. This can be done at any point in the supply chain, displaying all relevant product history and information thanks to integrated real-time global market and ESG data.
Unlike other supply chain security measures, our Q-ID® Optical tags are the only solution which cannot be copied, cloned or otherwise faked. By embracing our anti-counterfeit solution, you can ensure unmatched protection of your supply chain, brand, and customers.