With the rise of artificially generated art, the creativity and expression of artists has been seriously threatened and millions in revenue is lost each year as a result of illegal copying algorithms. Buyers can quickly lose confidence and trust that their art is real, further impacting the financial and social situations of many artists and brands. It is becoming more important than ever to protect buyers from the sale of fraudulent art and counterfeit collectable items.
Whilst collectors and sellers do their best to ensure no counterfeit pieces reach the market, is it becoming increasingly difficult to protect against replica and fake items. The measures currently in place, such as QR-codes and holograms, only have a limited effect, and providence documents can easily be faked, copied, or cloned.
To protect against counterfeit items, Quantum Base has invented a revolutionary anti-counterfeiting solution which is 100% unbreakable and cannot be copied or cloned. Our Q-ID® Optical tags use random quantum materials imprinted on the atomic level to create an invisible ‘Quantum Signature’ on the surface of an item. This technology can be implemented onto existing art pieces and collectables, or easily integrated into the production of new pieces.
Authenticating a Q-ID® Optical tag is instant, and can be achieved with just a standard smartphone camera. The tag will provide all relevant historical information about the product, ensuring only genuine pieces make it to market, providing both the buyer and seller with peace of mind.