Despite the increased awareness of the threats posed by counterfeit products, there are few options which provide a robust, accurate product authenticator for luxury items. Many current authentication processes involve expensive assessments using product pictures, rather than the physical items themselves. Not only does this make any authenticity achieved using image-verification extremely unreliable, but it can take hours or days before receiving the results. This increased pressure can often force customers to purchase luxury products without having the vital product information they need to make an informed decision. Certain authenticator services also charge additional fees to provide customers with product information in less time, meaning authentication can sometimes end up costing more than the value of the product.
In order to ensure reliable product authentication and provide secure brand protection, Quantum Base has developed the world’s first 100% unbreakable anti-counterfeit solution. Harnessing the inherent randomness of quantum particles, our Q-ID® Optical technology can protect from replica and counterfeit items at the atomic level. Utilising invisible, unclonable quantum materials, we can safeguard supply chains and inspire customer trust by embedding our unique Q-ID® Optical tags onto products, components and packaging.
Unlike other anti-counterfeit solutions, our Optical tags cannot be copied, cloned or faked, which means we are the only anti-counterfeit company to offer a truly unbreakable solution. It also means our product authentication is 100% accurate every time and can be completed at any point in the supply chain, all in real time. This allows customers, retailers, manufacturers and distributors to all instantly verify product authenticity using the Quantum Base app.