Many anti-counterfeit and brand protection solutions exist, but currently have their own vulnerabilities, making them weak to any possible cloning. For example, holograms and QR codes, although extremely popular within the luxury goods industry, can all be copied or cloned due to the macroscopic nature of their creation. This is where the Quantum Base Q-ID® solution is different.
Our solution utilises the randomness of quantum materials, creating a series of random patterns on a microscopic and atomic level. We call this the quantum fingerprint. It is this quantum layer which makes our brand protection solution scientifically unbreakable and unclonable.
The tags can be integrated easily into your existing manufacturing processes, and are manufactured at extremely low costs, making them not only efficient but exceptionally cost-effective. Once on your products, the tags can be read in a matter of seconds using a standard smartphone camera. All you need is the Quantum Base app. Once scanned, you have access to all relevant product information and the product in question can be authenticated easily and quickly.