Quantum Base is proud to be presenting its Q-ID solution at the 7th Brand Protection Excellence Forum in Munich on 29th & 30th September 2022.
Excellence in Brand Protection
The Brand Protection Excellence Forum happens every year and provides an executive platform for industry leaders to discuss challenges such as Anti Counterfeiting, Cyber Crime and Online Brand Protection to name a few.
It allows senior brand protection managers to meet those within the industry offering groundbreaking solutions to the issues brands face daily. Over the two days, we are excited to be involved with interactive presentations and to be networking with others in the brand protection space, showing the world the power of quantum technology!
100% Secure Anti-Counterfeit Solution
Leading our presentation is David Howarth, Quantum’s Director of Engineering. Within Quantum Base, David specialises in the application and integration of our cutting-edge quantum technology. Who better to demonstrate the ease of application to global brands?
During the presentation, David will be explaining to the audience how our Q-ID tags are 100% unbreakable, thanks to the use of unique quantum identities (or as we call them, Quantum Fingerprints). It is this true quantum randomness which enables a company to elevate their brand protection to the next level.
Quantum Base are offering businesses a 100% secure anti-counterfeiting and brand protection solution.
As well as being 100% unbreakable and unclonable, our Q-ID tags are manufactured to extremely low costs using a standard printing process. This allows brands to integrate this next-generation technology into their products with extraordinary ease.
“Quantum Base’s atomic-scale devices are impervious to cloning – faking of supply chains would become a thing of the past”
(Forbes 2020)
Custodians of Brand Protection
So we have established how our Q-ID tags can benefit the brands, but what about the customers? David will go on to explain how each quantum tag can be read with a standard smartphone camera. Gone are the days where large, bulky or unsightly readers are needed to authenticate the tag.
By using a smartphone, the customer and the brand can authenticate the product in real-time. We want to empower every consumer and supply chain stakeholder to be a custodian of brand and product protection, armed with nothing more than a smartphone.
Do you want to learn more about the world’s first 100% secure anti-counterfeit tags?
We look forward to meeting some of you at The Brand Protection Excellence Forum on 29th & 30th September 2022. In the meantime, you can learn more about our Q-ID tags here, or get in touch to learn how our tags can advance your brand protection.